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Monday, May 15, 2017

Cool Banana Bites!

Bananas are bananariffic! (sorry Paige) One day we had an extra banana at home, I cut it up, put peanut butter, and Nutella on it, then froze it. Those are good! But I liked the banana chunk itself, so I cut up another banana and froze it! Here's the two recipes:

PB&Choco Banana Bites:
+ Banana
+ Peanut Butter
+ Nutella (you don't need name brand, I used Jif)
Slice up a banana, mix your PB and Nutella together, then spread onto your banana slices. Now put into a container, and freeze! After they are frozen enjoy!

Plain Banana Bites:
+ Banana

Slice the banana. Put into a container, I put them in a small container, but after they covered the whole bottom, I placed parchment paper in there, then did another layer, repeat as necessary. Freeze! Then enjoy!

Hope you like the recipes!


Anonymous said...

Sounds delicious! Super yummy!

Anonymous said...

P.S. I like bananariffic!!

Hallie said...

thanks! I stole it from my friend paige